Monday, March 3, 2008

James Ryan

At 26 weeks and a mere one pound and four ounces, our baby boy James Ryan, was fighting to live. He was surrounded by the "Angels" and as we prayed, the team of experts from Vanderbilt Children's Hospital, worked diligently to help our baby survive. Outside the maternity wing of our local hospital, a ordinary looking emergency truck was parked. But, this ambulance was no "ordinary" emergency was Vanderbilts "Angel Unit" that was equipped to do open-heart surgery to save a small life if need be. After this team of doctors and nurses stabilized Ryan, they transported him to their hospital where another team of highly trained doctors and nurses took over. Ryan was given a chance to live and he took it. At seven weeks, a brain bleed almost took him from us and the doctors had to tell us what we could expect....mental retardation, lack of muscle control, blindness, deafness and death. He had around the clock care and the staff at Vanderbilt Hospital arranged for the family to stay in the family room so that Mama and Daddy could be by his side. The brain bleed stopped, the swelling went down evenly between both ventricles and our baby continued to thrive. His stay at the hospital was about six months but finally, our prayers were answered and they released him into our loving and grateful arms. Now, at three years on the 24th of March, Ryan is running, laughing, learning, and completely normal. He has had to have some minor surgeries on a hernia and a "lazy" eye, but THANK GOD and THANK YOU ANGEL UNIT and THANK YOU VANDERBILT CHILDREN'S HOSPITAL for saving our Ryan. Now, we feel like we need to do something to help other families and other kids who need specialized care that only Vanderbilt can provide. Your support, even if it's just a few dollars WILL make a difference. Even if it puts gas in the Angel are part of a life saving process. Please contact Jodi Woloszyn at 615-714-4078 with your donations for our "Trot for Tots" that our ride will be successful. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. Jodi Woloszyn Family